
Screenplays & Scripts

Bethany Maines is an award-winning screenwriter who bases her scripts on her own IP, focusing on romance, action-adventure, and comedy themes with strong, but relatable female leads.

To learn more, please use the contact form below or visit:

ScriptRevolution.com – Bethany Maines Profile
Coverfly.com – Bethany Maines Profile

Vampire Heist

WGA #: 2161848

TV Pilot based on the novel “A Bite of Paris”

by Bethany Maines

Winner: Hollywood Script Award, April 2022


When the vampire Nicholas de Cervon discovers that his former home is now a museum he reunites the old horde to pull off the heist of his after-life and get revenge on the Igor who betrayed him.

Blue Christmas

WGA #: 1996296

Feature script based on the award-winning novella Blue Christmas

by Bethany Maines

Winner: Romance Film & Screenplay Festival, July 2019

Finalist: WriteMovies Romance and Comedy Award 2020

Official Selection/Finalist: Portland Comedy Film Festival, 2021 
Best Romantic Comedy Screenplay Category


Pet-sitter Blue Jones may have stolen cameraman Jake Garner’s dog, but she definitely stole his heart and now they’re both being chased across Seattle by Jake’s ex-girlfriend for a dog collar’s worth of smuggled diamonds.

Shark’s Instinct

WGA #: 2134354

TV Pilot based on the novella Shark’s Instinct
by Bethany Maines

Quarterfinalist: Stage 32 TV Drama Screenplay Contest

Winner: Best TV Script –  Fox International Film Festival

Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay – GIF Festival

Official Selection: Best Screenplay – Ouchy Film Awards


A teenage girl and a 20-something mobster navigate a suburban underworld of criminals, killers, and crooked cops, in search of revenge and freedom in this anything but typical mafia series.

Luckless Love

WGA #: 2025160

Feature script based on the novella Luckless Love
by Bethany Maines

Story by Bethany Maines & Juel Lugo

Quarter-Finalist: Wiki: The World’s Fastest Screenplay Contest

Finalist: Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association Screenplay Contest 2020


Work-focused wine-maker Jordan Ryan thinks the perfect blend only exists for grapes, but when he’s forced to work with photographer Simone Laurent during an important wine event he discovers that maybe they could be the perfect pairing.

Suzy Makes Cupcakes

With a script by Bethany Maines, directed by Jayson Therrien, starring Allison Lynch, this short is currently showing at festivals.  Based on the short story published in Shotgun Honey: Recoil, this short film tells the story of mobster Johnny Stills, who is surprised to discover that his previously compliant wife Suzy has decided that she’s taken all she’s going to from Johnny but she will be taking the mob’s money and skipping town with a well-conceived plan that leaves Johnny at first enraged, and then chilled to the bone.

Winner: Best Comedy Short, Best Production Design, Best Editing – Next Generation Indie Film Festival

Learn more about Suzy Makes Cupcakes on: IMDB

Original Short

Based on the concept of Bethany Maines’ first novel Bulletproof Mascara, this original short with a script from Bethany Maines, featuring stunts and fight scene choreography from The Academy of Steve Curran Karate, was deployed as book trailer prior to the third book in the Carrie Mae series.

Original Short

With a script from Bethany Maines, this low-budget, ultra quick turn-around video was designed to encourage managers to let their younger employees attend the APWA WA 2022 Spring Conference.

Author Interviews & Readings:

Original post at Matthew Toffolo’s Summary

Interview with Screenwriter Bethany Maines (BLUE CHRISTMAS)

Matthew Toffolo: What is your screenplay about?

Bethany Maines: Blue Jones just stole Jake Garner’s dog. And his heart. But technically the French Bulldog belongs to Jake’s ex. And now they’re both being chased across Seattle by Jake’s ex-girlfriend for a dog collar’s worth of smuggled diamonds. For Blue, Christmas has never been quite so dangerous. For Jake, Christmas has never been quite so Blue.

2. What genres does your screenplay fall under?

Romance, Comedy, Action

3. Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?

Blue Christmas should be made into a movie because we need more stories about couples finding love, the bad guys getting arrested, and Uber drivers who finally have their dream of being in a car chase come true.

4. How would you describe this script in two words?

Romantic Fun

5. What movie have you seen the most times in your life?

Die Hard and Clue, probably followed by The Princess Bride.

6. How long have you been working on this screenplay?

One year or three months, depending on if you count the time I spent working on the novella that the screenplay is based on.

7. How many stories have you written?

Uh… In my lifetime? Published? How are we counting this? Can we call it a lot? I’ve been writing since grade school. My first short story was published when I was nineteen and my first novel was published in 2010. Writing stories is one of my passions. However, this is my first screenplay. I’m excited to write more.

8. What is your favorite song? (Or, what song have you listened to the most times in your life?)

That is an extremely difficult question. I use music to set the mood for what I’m writing and I’ll listen to a pretty wide variety of stuff, so picking an absolute number one is practically impossible! Top five, in no particular order:
Have a Good Time by Paul Simon
Got Your Money by Ol’ Dirty Bastard
It’s a Fire by Portishead
Rock DJ by Robbie Williams
The De Guello, the theme from the John Wayne / Howard Hawks movie Rio Bravo

9. What obstacles did you face to finish this screenplay?

Well, I first had to learn how to write screenplays and that was a bit of an obstacle. Also, being a parent presents many challenges in regards to scheduling time to be creative.

10. Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?

I’m a graphic designer and I’m passionate about good design. I love when I can synchronize a clients story with visuals.

11. You entered your screenplay via FilmFreeway. What has been your experiences working with the submission platform site?

FilmFreeway has been extremely useful and easy. I like that I can sort my submissions, track contests and surf for new opportunities all in one location.

12. What influenced you to enter the festival? What were your feelings on the initial feedback you received?

I entered because I really wanted to get feedback and it felt like a festival that matched my screenplay. The feedback was incredibly helpful and adorably Canadian since they used the word “whilst”. I got feedback, not just about industry standards for some of my first-timer formatting mistakes, but also about content and how to strengthen my script. I used the feedback to make changes that I’m very happy about (and secretly wish I could go back and add them to the novella).

Local NPR affiliate, KUOW, recorded the January 2019 edition of Seattle’s Noir at the Bar.  The portion featuring Johnny Stills Goes to Atlantic City picks up at 22:50 remaining.

KUOW – Speakers Forum – Noir at the Bar

Original Post on Digital Media Ghost

by Will Viharo

Brains and beauty are an unbeatable combination because brains are beautiful. When applied to Tacoma author Bethany Maines, a Jill-of-All-Trades when it comes to literature and life in general, it’s an unbeatable dynamic.​

Add in the fact she can probably kick her butt, and you’ve got yourself one formidable force of artistic nature…

I felt like an idiot for asking Bethany Maines how she felt about being a “woman writer” in a male-dominated industry (or at least society), because for one thing, it was posed as a matter of sheer laziness. I often ask female writers this question because I can’t think of anything else to say. It’s unoriginal and overused.​

And yet, the subject of sexism is still timely and relevant, especially given today’s increasingly contentious national debate about the role of women’s issues in a seemingly fatally fractured society

Bethany Maines is an avowed feminist, but that fact doesn’t consume or dominate her work as a writer. She writes for general audiences, and when I say general, I mean she targets a lot of demographics by nimbly crisscrossing across multiple genres, expanding both her wheelhouse and her appeal.

She also knows martial arts, and is an avid traveler. These elements factor more into her artistic makeup than her gender. Oops, did I say “makeup”? Sorry…

You are a true Renaissance Woman, prolific in several genres, including mysteries, romance, fantasy, and science fiction. Do you have a preference as reader and writer, or are you equally drawn to each field?

Heh. This makes it sound like I have a plan.  I really don’t. I finished out a deal with Atria Press and came away feeling like I’d been robbed of the ability to write what I wanted to write. I didn’t want the joy I found in storytelling to dry up because of the publishing system, so I promised myself that at least for a while I would write the story I found interesting no matter what it was.  I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy as a kid, so that genre actually feels really natural to me.  Same goes for mystery.  Romance is an entirely different beast that I wanted to experiment in.  I love the dedication and craft that Romance authors put into their books and for sheer compact, hit the beats, and keep running stories they can produce with the best.  That being said, I probably won’t pursue Romance too much in the future for the same reason that I’m not cut out to do “women’s fiction” (whatever the hell that is)—I have a really hard time sticking to straight genre.

For example, the romance novel I worked on, Wild Waters, probably could only have been independently published—it’s a Vietnam/WW II, Navy SEAL/mermaid story with sex and a dash of horror thrown in.  (Did I mention I was on a “write what I want” kick?)  My most recent project is the Shark Santoyo Crime Series, which is a little more straight thriller, but it is still a bit on the off-beat side with a teenage fixer and a motley crew of gangsters who work out of a suburban bowling alley.  So after all of my experimenting, it turns out that what I really write is action-adventure with a through-line of humor and feminism.  All of the stories I write, regardless of genre, contain those elements.

For someone so prolific, you are an avid traveler. How do these real world exploits inform and inspire your work as a whole?

You mean, how much of my bullshit is real?  Some.  As my father says, my stories are based on events that could have actually happened.  I’ve used entire actual events from my experiences for scenes (and stolen a few from other people) and let travel inspire plots that I would otherwise never have considered. From getting myself in and out of untenable situations (I will never forget those giant catfish) to simply experiencing a different culture, I cannot emphasize enough how inspiring, educational and mind-expanding travel is.  My traveling has slowed down since having a kid (dang it, those suckers are expensive), but I would say that traveling has helped inform my world view and writing immensely.  Also, if done correctly, it can be tax deductible for a writer.

Among your many attributes, you are a karate expert, which means you kick ass on and off the page. Given our patriarchal culture, do you identify, either intentionally or involuntarily, as a “woman writer” whether working or networking?

Well, let’s see… (checks down shirt) Yup, boobs, got ‘em. And typing, check. Got that in spades. So I must be a woman writer. This question makes me laugh. I don’t face a lot of overt sexism in my day to day life, so I don’t spend a lot of time pondering my woman-ness. I know many people who have found karate schools where the patriarchy exists in full force, but mine is really egalitarian. Train hard, work hard, show up to spar and you’ll succeed. My family is also pretty feminist and my day job is graphic design, so I never took all of the MFA classes and got forced to read Salinger and the other dead white men. It was really only once I got into publishing proper that I discovered the bizarre politics of writing while female and realized that being a woman could be a disadvantage. But my gender is female, so in many ways I can only identify as a woman. Identifying as a writer is the optional portion (and, believe me, sometimes I don’t tell anyone in the room). I absolutely support and encourage other women writers, but just as I’m willing to help men in karate or in graphic design, I hope I encourage men in writing as well. So yes, I intentionally identify as a woman writer. But I think, more to the point, I identify as a feminist, which is a political stance on equality, not a product of biology.

What are your influences, literary or otherwise?

M.M. Kaye, Dick Francis, Terry Pratchett, Anne McCaffery and Jackie Chan.  Not necessarily in that order.  If you don’t know one of those, I recommend looking up the following: Death in Kenya, Straight, Guards! Guards!, Dragonsong, and First Strike (specifically the ladder fight scene).  Although, honestly, just watch all Jackie Chan movies.  They’re hilarious and his fight scene construction is perfection.

What’s next for you?

I’ve got another sci-fi fairy tale adaption, The Seventh Swan, that’s in the can and will be released next February (Moon bases and giant alligator men, yes!). And I’ve got my two series which both have to have the next one written – the Shark Santoyo Crime Series(An enforcer, an FBI agent, and a high-school girl? I’m sure this will end well.) and the San Juan Islands Murder Mysteries (An ex-actress and a 78 year old ex-CIA agent solve murders. It’s Matlock with waaaaay more sarcasm.).  But the one that’s sitting on my desk now is a literary thriller, which is knocking me on my ass.  It’s multi-points of view, including one of the villains, and figuring out when to reveal what and how… sheesh, I set myself up for a technical nightmare.  But… challenges are good, right?

Right! I don’t argue with super-smart and multi-talented feminists, because for one thing, I’m married to one. I also don’t argue with martial artists…cheers!

View Original Post at Girlfriend Book Club

Meet Author Bethany Maines

May 3, 2015 by Jess Riley

I’m so pleased to feature another of the fabulous Girlfriends today–Bethany Maines! (I knew I’d love her when she mentioned Trixie Belden and admitted to adoring the movie Clue.) On with the interview:

1. Who you are & what do you write?
That is an aggressive question, isn’t it? Perhaps we could have phrased that more elegantly to avoid giving ourselves an existential identity crisis. I am Bethany Maines writer, graphic designer, bread enthusiast, generally awesome person. I write feminist action-adventure mysteries with heroines who follow the lead of Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, and Eowyn of Rohan (they never met a mystery that didn’t need solving or ass that didn’t need kicking). For what it’s worth, my official mini-bio says: Bethany Maines, a native of Tacoma WA, is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery series (from Atria), and An Unseen Current. When she’s not traveling to exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in karate, she can be found at her job as the co-owner of the graphic design firm LILT.

What is your:
2. Weirdest research?

Probably the single weirdest research mission I’ve had to do was actually for work. I was employed as a graphic designer for an architectural firm and they had been hired to design a park for a piece of land that had been donated to a local municipality. The city wanted to have some interpretive panels in the park explaining the donation and the history of the land. Sound easy, right? Wrong. After months of getting nowhere someone finally nominated me to do the research, I think based on the notion that I’m annoyingly persistent and I “write stuff”. My research took me down the rabbit hole of the local historical society, the historical documents library, and an uncomfortable interview with a woman who really, really didn’t want to be named as a source for details about the Puyallup Tribe. Bottom line – the land had been a farm, and historically people are horrible to each other with occasional flashes of decency. Also, there was a war in the 1850’s with the Puyallup Tribes that everyone would really prefer that you not mention. Like… ever. I ended up feeling like the kid who points out that the emperor had no clothes on. “Ok, so we can’t write about how the government broke treaties with the tribes and went to war. I guess we could write about the 1900’s except, you know, that’s when we shipped all of our Japanese immigrants off to concentration camps. So that gets a bit awkward…”

3. Most uncomfortable piece of writing?
Sex scenes! In my second book, my editor and my agent demanded (suggested?) a make-out scene at minimum. But my grandmother reads my books! What will she think?? I got over it. For writers, I think sex scenes are where the rubber hits the…uh… road. Writers always have to block out the doubting voices, but I think sex scenes are where a writer finds out if they can really put the walls up and trust themselves to create something worthwhile. You can’t create art if you’re constantly worrying about what other people think.

4. Most memorable book promotion event?
I guess the one that springs to mind is the one where I only had one person come to my signing and then he didn’t buy the book. In my defense it was a college town on spring break and a sunny day, and I think several other people eventually stopped in and picked up the book. But what I remember is that during my talk portion I only had one person. He was elderly and had been dropped off at the bookstore by his son. And since he had no where else to be he decided to stay and chat. So, what the heck, I chatted too. I explained to him about my books (James Bond meets Mary Kay) and after awhile he asked, “Well, if you like all those action and spy books, why didn’t you just make your character a man?” The worst part was that he wasn’t even trying to be a jackass, he was just genuinely confused as to why I wouldn’t just write a book about a man. So I explained as best I could that maybe girls would like to read about characters that were more like them. I console myself with the idea that I may have broadened his feminist understanding. It’s probably not true, but I’m going to cling to the fantasy.

5. Book/movie that everyone thinks you’re weird to love:
Weirdest movie: Probably Howard the Duck. Even I acknowledge that I probably shouldn’t love that one, but I do anyway. But the movie I stand behind (and think that everyone else should swing to my point of view) is Clue. Casting, dialogue, construction – the entire movie is perfect.

Weirdest book… That’s a toughie mostly because the books I love are probably all a little bit weird. I’m going to go with Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. Religion, computers, alternate time line, and a main character named Hiro Protagonist. I highly recommend it.

Thanks, Bethany! (Ass-kicking, mystery-solving, strong female protagonists? Sold!!)

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