The Waffle House
So, I forgot that I was supposed to blog today and instead used my few minutes of writing time to write a scene where two of my characters go to a Waffle House. But as a west coast resident, I’ve never actually been to a Waffle House. As a result, I spent way too much time looking at the Waffle House menu on line and now I want hashbrowns and waffles. Sometimes we hear authors say that their characters speak to them. My characters wouldn’t deign to do that. They’re too busy talking to each other. And honestly, if I left them to their own devices they would talk until my fingers cramped up from trying to transcribe. I frequently have to cut off the conversations so that the story goes somewhere. That’s part of the editing process, but these conversations are excellent at helping me understand the characters. When I discover what they find funny, what they hate, what annoys them, and what their hard line stance is on Christmas decorations after New Years, I can plunk them down in any situation and know how they’ll react. Which is how I know that Jackson Deveraux would be quite happy at the Waffle House, but that he would be shocked that his hoity toity grandmother Eleanor Deveraux knows to order Waffle House hashbrowns scattered, smothered, and covered, but not chunked. The Deveraux family is full of secrets and surprises, but when I started writing about them I never would have thought that hashbrowns would be one of the surprises. The Deveraux family, from my Deveraux Legacy, has become one of my favorite group of characters. They’re a very fractured family that is struggling toward reconciliation while attempting to overcome the periodic interruption of mercenaries, bank robbers, and greedy CEOs.
If you want to find out what the Deveraux family thinks about Christmas décor you can check out book 1, The Second Shot, and pre-order book 2, The Cinderella Secret (both currently ¢.99). Or you can…
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Goodreads Book Giveaway
The Cinderella Secret
by Bethany Maines
Giveaway ends October 17, 2020.
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