Have I mentioned I have a new book coming out?
I have a new book coming out!
My new romantic-suspense novel (that’s action plus some steamy bits, for those who don’t track genres) The Second Shot is a Pacific Northwest Writers Association 2019 Literary Contest Award Winner and guaranteed to provide all the oohs and awwws you want in a romantic thriller. It will arrive on shelves and devices on 10.24.19. And here is the cover!!!!
You can check out an exclusive excerpt on Frolic – the website for everyone who loves a love story! CLICK HERE
Want to win a $25 Amazon giftcard? Sign up for the Rafflecopter contest! A Goodreads Giveaway for the print version is also in the works – stay tuned for details!
The Second Shot has made the Goodreads “Most Anticipated Release of October” List. If you have a Goodreads account, go vote to keep it moving up the ranks!