3 Colors Trilogy Launches!

For a little over a year, I’ve been feverishly working on the series of books that would become the 3 Colors Trilogy.  These action-packed paranormal romances feature a trio of siblings Azure, Ochre, and Scarlet as they find love and face danger from evil warlocks. While not traditional mysteries in the sense that no one is trying to solve a murder – each book finds the romantic leads trying to puzzle out out who is targeting them and why.  These quick steamy reads are the most fun I’ve had writing in a long time. The couples are swoon-worthy, funny, and who doesn’t love werewolves?

How to Write the Heming…Way

One part of writing this series that has been interesting has been working with a beta reading service. Because this isn’t my usual genre, I used a service to supply beta readers I didn’t know to read the initial completed manuscript. The readers then answered a short survey of questions that I provided.  It was amazingly insightful, but also nerve wracking! Handing over a partially edited book to a stranger for feedback… whew! The first time, my nerves were tested and I may have had to Hemingway (aka drink!) my way through the first reading of their responses. But the were all quite kind to me and provided many useful data points.

Coming Soon!

The series is now complete and I’ll be utilizing a quick release strategy for the trilogy—releasing them one month a part in February, March and April of 2022. Fans won’t have to wait for the next installment. Want to learn more about my Supernatural world?  Check out the links below!

Learn More: https://bethanymaines.com/supernaturals/

Pre-Order: https://amzn.to/3DZQHbf

Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/series/329910-3-colors-trilogy